Thicker Than Water

Thicker Than Water” is a deeply personal exploration of the journey from challenging family dynamics to healing and resilience through the transformative power of therapy. This project delves into the complex and often painful aspects of family relationships, highlighting the strength and courage required to confront and overcome deeply rooted emotional struggles.

In “Thicker Than Water,” I aim to shed light on the often-hidden wounds left by difficult familial interactions and the profound impact they have on one’s sense of self and belonging. Through a series of visual and emotional narratives, I seek to capture the raw, unfiltered experiences of individuals who have faced and surmounted these challenges.

The title, “Thicker Than Water,” plays on the old adage “blood is thicker than water,” challenging the notion that family ties inherently trump all other bonds. Instead, this project asserts that true strength and connection come from the relationships we build and nurture, often with the help of therapy and supportive communities.

This work aims to show the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of finding peace and strength in the aftermath of emotional turmoil. Through “Thicker Than Water,” I aim to foster empathy, raise awareness, and ultimately, to contribute to the ongoing conversation about mental health and the importance of healing from within.

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    I Used To Dream So Big, Needlework fabric, thread, found fabric, 2024, 10” x 35”
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      The Parting Words of a Former Friend and Lover, Pine wood, wood stain, acrylic paint, rope,2024, 12” x 27”
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      Daddy Knows Best, Engraved medicine cabinet, clay, prescription pill bottles, sink, 2024, 22” x 24”
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            Thicker Than Water, Found frame, wood, 2024, 30” x 24”
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            Call Your Mom, It Will Make You Feel Better, Archival inkjet prints, 2024, 16” x 20”
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            I’m Not A Fool, But I Wish I Were, Archival inkjet print, engraved acrylic, 2024, 20” x 16”
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              Ask For More (But Daddy, I Love Crumbs!), Found apron, found fabric, thread, beads, 2024